Summer’s Over – Tips for Getting Back to Work

Summer’s Over – Tips for Getting Back to Work

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Summer is the time to relax, unwind, and hopefully take some well-deserved time off. When it is time to jump back into work, the transition can be difficult to manage. Here are a few ways to ease back into a productive routine:

Write Out Your Goals

Before you check your email or listen to your messages, take a few minutes to jot down your personal and professional goals for the week. Getting these thoughts out on paper allows you to free up mental space and start the work week with a clear and focused mindset.

Prioritize Your To-Do List

Compile a list of items that need to be handled. Distinguish between what is important and what is urgent, then prioritize. (Bonus points if you can delegate any of these tasks!)

Implement a "Catch-Up" Day

Spend your first day back working through items that have piled up - emails, memos, etc. Aim to get to "inbox zero" so you do not find yourself dealing with outstanding tasks later in the week.

Clear Your Morning Schedule

Avoid scheduling meetings during the first half of the day by blocking off that time on your calendar. The morning is typically your most productive time of the day and should be used to handle the most crucial tasks.

Review Your Books

Set aside time to take a closer look at your business books. Now is a great time to review your company's budget, look at recent spending, and gather receipts or other documentation that you may need for your bookkeeper or tax accountant.

Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session

Are you looking for peace of mind and more time in your day?  We offer a 45 minute complimentary discovery session so we can learn about your business and to discuss how our solutions can give you back time in your day.